Online banks have changed the way things work and have a lot to offer their customers. Customers may also get better interest rates on their checking and savings accounts and lower transaction fees. People don’t just switch to Farmers Bank online and enjoy the convenience of modern banking for these two reasons. As with most things you do online, you need to protect your account so that hackers and thieves don’t get in. There are a lot of safe ways to work online. Check out these four tips you can use right now to keep your online banking safe.
Make Strong Passwords
Most online banks have to get help from the FDIC. This shows that you can trust the services they offer. Hackers can still get into your accounts, even if you have the label if you don’t take the right steps. Making a unique, hard-to-crack password is one way to keep yourself safe. Hackers can get into your account if you have a weak password, which is important to know. These hackers might break the law to get into your account and steal your money or personal information. It can be a challenge to put things back the way they were once this happens. Making passwords that are hard to guess is the best way to stop hackers. It’s also important to change your passwords often and not use the same one for different websites. Don’t write down your passwords so other people can find them easily. If you can, try to remember them rather than write them down.
Check Your Account Frequently
Make sure you keep track of how money comes into and leaves your online account. Now that smartphones and safe internet are common, it’s easier to keep track of things. This is how to find things that are out of the ordinary. Any sign of fraud should be reported to the bank’s customer service right away. Any small change that happens suddenly in your bank account should also set off an alarm, but you won’t know what it is unless you keep an eye on it. If your account is hacked, you may have to show your bank proof that the transactions did not come from your account.
Clear Your History and Cookies
There are times when you need to use a public Wi-Fi network to log in to your bank account. In this case, you shouldn’t leave any traces on the device of your bank login or transactions. Instead, you should clear the device’s history and cache. To make it safer, you might also want to set a new password. Your device’s traffic can be intercepted on public networks, and your passwords can be figured out. This makes you more likely to be hacked. When things go wrong, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Protect Your Wi-Fi
A wireless router is a very convenient way to connect your computers and other devices, but it also lets anyone within range connect to your network. This is especially risky when you use public Wi-Fi hotspots, which can be set up in coffee shops, libraries, and other places where a lot of people gather.
If you’re worried about how safe your information is on public Wi-Fi networks, there are a number of ways to protect your home network. Read on to find out how to make sure your home Wi-Fi is safe.
The first thing you must do when you’re setting up a new router is to change the password. All routers have an admin panel where you can change things like the network name and password. If you can’t get into the admin panel of your router, you might have to call customer service to reset it. If this happens, immediately call the customer service number for your Internet service provider (ISP) and ask them to reset it for you.
Install software to protect against viruses. Antivirus software is useful for both laptops and desktops that are connected to wireless networks. If one of your devices gets malware or spyware that tries to steal personal information from other computers in your network, antivirus software will protect you (like emails or usernames).
Set Up Safety Alerts
Set up mobile alerts. If someone else uses your account, you can get a text message or an email. Go to Alerts & Notifications in your account and set this up. You’ll find a link to set up these alerts under “Account Activity.”
Set up email alerts: You can also get an email when something new happens with your accounts, such as a new payment made or when one is due. You can set this up for most accounts by logging in and going to the settings for alerts and notifications. You can get alerts by phone call or text message if you sign up for Telebanking through our automated phone system (ATM).
Choose a Verified Online Bank
This should be the first and most important step if you care about your money. Hackers could create websites that look like they belong to banks. Make sure the online bank is real before you send any personal information or money to the above account numbers. First, make sure they are FDIC-insured and have a lot of assets you can count on. Before you choose how to put money in your account or get money out of an ATM, you should also look at how good customer service is. You should also look at the bank’s reputation, especially if it has been around for a long time.
Final Thoughts
Safety online is important all the time, but when you bank online, it’s especially important. Here are some ideas to help you get going. When you bank online, you should also know your bank’s rules and what you may have to pay for if your account is hacked. You’ll feel better if you know these rules. You can find out more at www.farmersbankidaho.com. Reach out to our staff if you have more questions.