
MCB- A Short Guide

From lighting our homes to making our earth sustainable, electricity has significantly transformed the world we live in. At the same time, it can create massive destruction when overheated; causing power failure, short circuits, and even sometimes death.

To avoid such passage of overcurrent through the electrical network, we use a barrier known as circuit breakers.

Circuit breakers are safety devices installed in the residential, commercial, and industrial premises that utilise electricity. And one such barrier is MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker).

In this blog, we will be discussing MCB and its uses. We will also cover its significance and role in electrical networking.

What is MCB?

MCB, an acronym for Miniature Circuit Breakers, is an electromechanical device that automatically switches off the electric circuit when any abnormalities are detected. 

These abnormalities include overloading, short circuit, or overlapping of electricity in the electrical network.

MCB can identify the problem happening inside the electrical network by recognising the extreme amount of current flow in the circle. When there is a large amount of force available in the loop, this circuit breaker can break the loop at any moment and protect the whole circuit altogether.

At the same time, MCB protects the inner wires from heating that might cause fire or electric hazards.

What Are The Functions of MCB?

MCB is safe and restores the supply of electricity quite efficiently. It is the most preferred choice for handline short circuits than any other type of circuit breaker. 

Technically, MCBs are better than fuses in terms of safety, accessibility, and cost. Unlike fuses, you don’t need to replace this electric breaker as it simply trips due to power overloading conditions.

Miniature Circuit Breaker has a bimetallic wire that collapses in case of overcurrent flow or overheating. In return, it opens the latch that is connected to the operating mechanism and shuts the MCB immediately. The whole process hardly takes 2-3 seconds.

Once MCB switches off, you can refer to the manual to restart the electrical circuit. All you need is to push the button up.

What Are Advantages of Using MCB

  • MCB is reusable and pocket-friendly. It is conveniently cheaper than other electric breakers.
  • The mechanism is quite sensitive to electric current. Hence, it can quickly detect the overload and switch off itself.
  • Compared to other electric breakers, MCB has better usability as it uses a simple knob to reattach itself to the electric supply.

To Conclude-

MCB plays a crucial role in protecting wireframes from overheating. At the same time, it safeguards humans against electric shocks and accidents. Installing them in your surroundings enables one to stay stress-free and focus on other productive work.

However, numerous factors need to be considered before installing them on your premises. These factors include system voltage, frequency of electrical appliances, or surface area of the premises. 

Hence, it is advisable to consult an electrician expert to help you understand which type of circuit breaker to install in your home, business, or industrial premises.

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